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Adaptive Equipment


The seated user works their entire body with simultaneous arm rotations and lower body recumbent bike pedaling.

Neubie e-stim

Made by NeuFit, this machine uses direct current electrical stimulation that, with consistent use, can help reduce spasticity, relieve chronic pain, and increase the effectiveness of muscle strengthening exercises. The stimulation machine is indicated for use during exercise. 


Using a vertical propulsion motion, users strengthen their triceps, shoulders, and core muscles needed to transfer and lift themselves into chairs or in and out of cars, resulting in greater independence and safety for the user and their caregiver.

Grit Freedom Chair

This all-terrain wheelchair allows users to move on different surfaces, including gravel, dirt, sand, and grass.

Sarah Steady Sit-to-Stand Aid

The Sarah Steady is a sit-to-stand machine that allows people to take a more active role in their own transfers. Working with the machine helps people to strengthen the muscles needed to move to a supported upright position.

Easy Stand

The Easy Stander is a machine that assists people into a standing position, then supports them as they stand. People’s endurance improves as they increase standing time. Spending time in a standing position helps people to improve circulation, bone density, bowel function, and strength in the trunk and lower extremities.


The Motomed can be used for passive, assisted, or active arm and leg ergometry. The gym has two of these, which is excellent for members in wheelchairs.


Overhead harness systems

We have two overhead harness systems at the gym. One is used to support members while they stand or sit on a rebounding (trampoline). The second is used to support members as they walk on a treadmill.

Recumbent tricycles

The gym owns 12 of these recumbent tricycles for borrow on Friday morning bike rides. 5 are electric assisted for those who don’t have the leg strength to bike independently. We typically hook 2-4 trikes together, because riding together is more fun!

Parallel bars

We have a sturdy parallel bar system for folks who want to perform exercises in a safe and secure area.

Walking poles

Walking poles are excellent tools to keep the user balanced while walking. There are many benefits to walking with poles including increased proprioception, balance, arm strength, and core engagement.

Spin bikes

Our front room is full of spin bikes and elliptical machines for use during spin classes or on your own.

Upright rollators

We have a number of upright rollators for working on balance and walking. These are excellent for taller members and those that hunch forward with regular rollators.


We have a number of treadmills for use, one even goes backwards to challenge members on backwards walking.

Inversion machine

Inversion machines are good ways to relieve back pain and stretch.