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Education Programs

Exercise and MS: The Evidence

In recent years, MS Research has provided evidence that consistent exercise slows MS and improves symptoms. That’s what MS-Just Keep Moving is all about.

Now that we know movement improves function and quality of life for people with MS, the medical community has established Exercise and Physical Activity Recommendations for ALL people living with MS.

Dr. Robert Motl at the University of Illinois Chicago conducts research on the benefits of exercise. He and his graduate students have presented at MS-Just Keep Moving and have invited many of us to participate in clinical research.

Nutrition Programs

Monthly presentations from a registered dietitian keep us up to date on the science of nutrition with MS. Other topics have included disability benefits, an in-depth look at the symptom of fatigue and a talk on the power of music therapy. More educational programs to come.

PT Learning Lab

Bryant & Stratton PT Students—Our gym space is the learning lab for Bryant & Stratton Physical Therapy Assistants gaining clinical experience. Students apply what they’ve learned in the classroom. People with MS learn new techniques for managing their symptoms of MS. The result for all is a fun and mutually beneficial program!

Research Participation

Marquette Studies and UWM studies: MS-Just Keep Moving is fortunate to be part of area studies of the effect of exercise on MS progression and remission. We appreciate the work of researchers at Marquette University and Univ. of Wisconsin—Milwaukee. Members of our community often serve as research participants when needed.

Rest and Recovery

Kate Kern, MS, Phd. is a Clinical Physiologist whose work demonstrates the importance of exercise for people with MS, as well as the importance of Rest and Recovery to maximize those benefits. Here is her powerpoint presentation explaining more.