We are extremely fortunate that ePlatinum Health will be hosting an annual golf outing again this year, with MS-Just Keep Moving as its beneficiary. A huge thank you goes out to Jeff, Frank, Katie and the entire ePlatinum Health team.
Would you be willing help gather donations for the silent auction and raffle? We could really use your help. We need golfers as well.
There is a sign up sheet at the gym with a list of items we’re hoping to get for the silent auction and raffle items. If you’re willing and able, please sign your name by a few things you’re willing to do or get for us. If you have other ideas, that’s awesome! We’d love to hear them.
When you bring the donations in, please put them in the fireplace room on the table marked “Donation Drop Off” and fill out the sheet with what the donation is and who it’s from.
It’s really important to us that we properly thank people for the donations. They are much appreciated!
Below are the promotional flyers for the golfers we need. Please consider golfing with us and sign up as early as you can. The last two years, we were fortunate to fill up and have the maximum number of golfers. A huge thanks goes out to all who golfed and made this possible. THANK YOU! Let’s make it a fun event again this year.
Here’s a link to the event website. You can see pictures from last year’s event and sign up from here. https://www.eplatinumhealth.com/eph-cares/eph-msgolfouting/