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Annual Events

Indoor Triathlon (Our Founding Event)

MS athletes train hard for the spring Triathlon. Cheer them as they swim, bike, run, walk, or roll across the finish line.

Golf Outing

Over the last few years, MS-Just Keep Moving has been the beneficiary of the ePlatinumHealth Annual Golf Outing. People come together to support our organization while enjoying a day of golf, games, and raffles. Many volunteers from our gym work together to make this golf outing fun and successful! We thank ePH for their generous support.

Open House

We love to share information about our programs, technologies, equipment, facilities and express gratitude to our volunteers and those who support us and make our mission possible. We are proud to share our evolving inspirational stories of strength and courage through MS. Join us!

Day of Endurance

MS athletes set goals in January and train for this event all year. Plan to cheer them on as they test their limits in events that include swimming, biking, running, walking or rolling in a chair for distances they choose. Accomplishments for some are completing an Ironman distance Triathlon. For others, it is to walk 25 steps. The joy is in the journey!

Bike MS - Bike Ride for the National MS Society

We do our part in supporting the National MS Society by riding in their Bike MS event. We are the Peppy Pedalers Team!

Every year, Dan is the captain of the Peppy Pedalers Bike Team in the National MS Society Best Dam Bike Tour. The Peppy Pedalers team have raised over $1,000,000.00 for MS Research. MS Research is essential to continue to support research so that perhaps one day, we’ll have more answers for MS.