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Wednesday and Friday Workouts, “Energy, Determination and Love”!


Last Wednesday warmed my heart
If you were at the gym last Wednesday, you were probably like me…in awe of all the energy, determination and love in the room.  All of our machines were full except for one rowing machine and even that one filled up by the end of the cardio program.  Truly amazing!  A huge thanks goes out to all our friends with MS who are engaging in this along with Kate and all our volunteers who make this possible.  I love it!

Woman’s ring found
We found a woman’s ring at the gym.  If you lost a ring, please explain what it looks like to me.  I want to make sure we get it back to the right person.

Let’s welcome the Bryant Stratton College Students back
I received a message from Dr Sarah Andreucci that the students will be starting back tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1st.  This is such a great opportunity for the students and our friends with MS.

The students get an opportunity to work directly with our friends with MS and learn so much about MS, what it’s like to live with it and what they can do to help.  Our friends with MS get to learn and gain progress from the students.  They’re always so helpful!

Let’s welcome the students and their leaders back next Wednesday and give them a great experience of working with us.  We’re so fortunate to have them.

Ed and Adam’s Podcast
Adam and Ed invited Lynn to share her story about living with MS and she did.  Thanks for sharing Lynn!  I hope you’ll listen to it.  Here’s a link.


Thanks Adam, Ed and Ava for doing all you do!

Who’s making progress?
Ginger certainly works hard and is consistent.  Ginger gets it that “consistency is key”.  Not only that, she brings a great spirit to the gym and her helpful husband Ron too.

Golf Outing Friday, June 7th!
We are extremely fortunate that ePlatinum Health will be putting on a golf outing for us again this year.  A huge thank you goes out to Jeff, Frank, Katie and the entire ePlatinum Health team.

Great news!  All the sponsor spots, golfer spots and volunteer spots are full.  Amazing!  We are so blessed.  A huge thank you goes out to everyone that is helping and supporting us in some way.  Unfortunately, we had 12 more golfers that we didn’t have room for.  Hopefully they will consider signing up earlier next year.  I’m really sorry we couldn’t get you in this year.

We still need donations for the silent auction and raffles.  We want to give the golfers a great experience.  Would you be willing help gather donations for the silent auction and raffle?  We could really use your help.

There is a sign up sheet at the gym with a list of items we’re hoping to get for the silent auction and raffle items.  If you’re willing and able, please sign your name by a few things you’re willing to do or get for us.  If you have other ideas, that’s awesome!  We’d love to hear them.

When you bring the donations in, please put them in the fireplace room on the table marked “Donation Drop Off” and fill out the sheet with what the donation is and who it’s from.

It’s really important to us that we properly thank people for the donations.  They are much appreciated!

Dance Program – Spring Swing this Saturday
Dr Alex Ng from Marquette University did some studies on dance and how it’s beneficial for us living with MS.  The benefits proved to be many…including benefits with memory and cognitive challenges.

Dr Ng and many volunteers want to make this a great experience for you.  I hope you’ll engage and benefit from this program.  Thank you Dr Ng and team for making this possible!

Yoga Moves MS
Have you heard of Yoga Moves MS in Michigan?  Here’s a link to their website https://www.yogamovesms.org/

They’re a group doing wonderful things with people with MS and for people with MS in Michigan and virtually online.  They also put on really good educational programs for people with MS.  They are in person and online.  There is one event next Wednesday, May 8th.  You can find out more information and sign up for them on their website.

We are hoping to get their MS family in Michigan to engage in our Day of Endurance journey in Michigan next year.  Let’s build relationships with them and their friends with MS.

I would encourage you to attend their programs or join them virtually.  Again, here’s a link to their website for more information.  https://www.yogamovesms.org/

Thanks Mindy and team for all you’re doing for all of us living with MS!

Day of Endurance 2024 – August 24, 2024

The board at the gym is starting to show some exciting progress.  Please check it out.

Consistency is key.  Let’s exercise everyday.  It’s the gradual, consistency that our bodies will adapt to over time.  Let’s do one long workout per week so we can appreciate that we are making progress each week.  Kate can certainly help you with a program based on your abilities.  Please feel free to reach out to her.

It’s really important that we’re active and we enjoy the journey of training for the Day of Endurance…preferably “together”.  I hope you can find some workout friends to enjoy this journey with.  It can be others with MS, friends, neighbors, family members, movie stars, it doesn’t matter.  It really only takes one other person to have show up and do whatever you’re going to do each day.  You can pick different people different days.

Let’s make this a recreational adventure.  A social adventure.  A rewarding experience.  And… “share” it.  So, let’s start inviting friends and family members to join us on this journey and have some fun with it.

Please share your progress with Kate.  Kate and Mike are working together to create a way to share our progress all year.  I hope you’ll engage in the journey and make progress yourself.

Cardio and Balance Programs
These classes are aimed to get everyone exercising together.  I like that word “together” 😊.  We’ll need help from volunteers before and after the cardio class on Wednesdays to get members on and off equipment. All are welcome and encouraged to join.

Wednesdays  10-10:30am: Cardio exercise
Location: in the big room using aerobic equipment in front of big TV
Pick your favorite piece of equipment to use, bring a water bottle, and arrive a few minutes early to get the equipment set up to your height.
10:30 – 11:00am Tai Chi led by Ricky

Fridays: Head Yoga, Spin Classes, balance training & Core strengthening Classes
9:00am – 9:30am:  Head yoga led by Anne Prestwor in the fireplace room.  Beginning Friday,  April 26th Head yoga will be moving to 9:30am.
10-10:30 am: Seated balance class
10:30 – 11am: Standing balance class
Pick the class / classes you feel most able and comfortable participating in. We will have chairs set up to sit on and/or use for balance support. 

Email Kate at kborn1234@gmail.com with any questions.

Friday Morning Bike Ride
It looks like we’re finally getting warm enough weather for riding Friday morning.  Let’s ride!

We have more riders than we have trikes this year so we’re going to have to be creative in order to get everyone riding.  I’ll be sending a separate e-mail to those riding trikes.  Please respond to the e-mail so we can plan accordingly.

We’ll be meeting Friday morning at 7:00am at Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee.  It’s on the SE corner of Hwy SS and Oak Street.  The GPS address is:  N26W27495 Prospect Ave, Pewaukee, WI 53072.

Come a little early so you can get your bike out of your car and be ready to ride as close to 7:00 as possible.  We’ll ride until about 8:45.  Let’s ride and have some fun!

For those who wish you could join us but can’t; please know we have you in our hearts on these rides.  We’re riding with you and for you.  I hope you too can join us someday.

Educational Sessions

This Friday, May 3rd  11:00am – 12:00pm.  Mitch Adam
Mitch is a neuro-certified physical therapist who is also a PhD student at Marquette University in the Exercise and Rehab Science program. He will be sharing information about the clinical trial he is working on. The trial is an exercise intervention study to improve walking balance in people with MS

Friday, May 17th 11:00am – noon.  Dr Kate Kern
Dr Kate Kern will be reviewing a study done with Omega 3’s and people with MS.

Friday, May 24th  11:00am – noon.  Dr Jon Stevenson – Chiropractor with Strive Integrative Health in Brookfield.
Dr Jon and his team at Strive are having great success with neuropathy and other central nervous system disorders.  Dr Jon will be presenting on different protocols they are experiencing success with patients.  He will be available for questions and answers.

Future topics could include: emotional health, nutrition, yoga, tai chi, wellness topics, safe use of gym equipment for your body, best exercise for you and more.  What topics would you like to see?  Please let Kate, Joan, Traci, Ricky or Dan know

 Let’s get together!
We’ll be getting together from 9:00am – noon on Wednesday and Friday mornings at the gym.  I hope you’ll join us!

Wisconsin Metal Parts – Westmound Building
MS-Just Keep Moving, Inc.
W228N791 Westmound Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186

Prayer Group  We’ll be having our prayer group Wednesday @ 11:00am.
I just love the way we share, pray and laugh together while we witness prayers being answered weekly.  It’s truly amazing!

Thanks goes to God and to everyone that joins us.  Let’s get together to share, listen, talk, give thanks, and pray however God leads us.

MS-Just Keep Caring – Our Caregivers support group will be the first and third Friday of each month from 10:00 – 10:30am.  The next one will be this Friday, May 3rd  2024.  If you’re a caregiver of someone you love with MS, please join us and share your experience of caring for your loved one.  This has been very helpful for many.  Thanks to all who participate!

Our Facebook page is private.  That means you’ll need to join if you want access to all our fun and progress.  We’re now at 502 members.  We finally broke 500…That’s awesome!   https://www.facebook.com/groups/2639832389489709

Our Facebook page is active and fun.  Lots of people are doing more and sharing their journey on Facebook.  Feel free to join, post and share your experiences and comments.

There were some awesome pictures, videos and comments shared again this past week.  Thank you to all who are sharing!

Thai Massage with Ricky Heldt
Ricky will be here on Wednesdays doing Thai Massage.  Ricky will be taking Fridays off for a while.  Perhaps through the summer.

Ricky has a sign up board based on first come first serve.  You can pick the time slot that works for you.

Reiki with Linda  Linda will be here on Fridays doing Reiki.  Many people say Linda’s Reiki work is “magical”.  We’re thankful for Linda sharing her gifts and talents with us.  Feel free to let Linda know you’d like to do Reiki with her.  She also has a sign up sheet.

Inspirational Humor with Adam Wollert
We’ll be having our inspirational humor zoom call with Adam again next Tuesday.  Adam is a gift to all of us.  Thanks to all who joined us today!

Please join us if you can.
Tuesdays @ 1:30PM
Here’s the link to join us…I hope you do!
Join Zoom Meeting with this link


Meeting ID: 943 138 9152
Passcode: 3qP2hu
Phone:   1-312-626-6799

Let’s reach out
I encourage you to share a smile and encouragement with someone.  Perhaps you could call someone that you have not talked with for a while just to say hi and see how they are doing.  We all could use a little extra love and encouragement.

MS is tough.  Let’s have faith, remain calm, be flexible, help each other and learn as much as we can about the challenges of each day as we make good choices.

Let’s keep moving, smiling and loving 😊  It helps!

In God We Trust…we are in good hands.


P.S. Hmmm…what pictures did I take this week that I can share?  This wet sandhill crane was looking in our window, hoping for some corn.

In case that wasn’t close enough, here’s a little closer shot.

I finally gave in and gave him some food.  He followed me like a puppy to our backyard and ate out of my hand again.

This turkey didn’t like the wet wings.  He tried drying them off.

There are more and more flowers blooming now.  These two looked like they were having a nice chat together.

Some of the colors are brilliant

Spring time is a great time to get out in nature.  I thought I would mix it up a bit this week with a few flowers.

And a little different bird.  This is the first oriole I saw this year.  It was really singing loudly.

This little American Red Squirrel was fun to watch.

It was hard to believe this deer laid down right in front of us.

Anytime you go out with Cal, you never know what type of wildlife you’re going to see.


For those who can’t get out and enjoy nature due your challenges with MS…my heart is with you.  You are with me every time I’m out there.  I enjoy being out there and I also enjoy sharing with you.  I know how hard it is not to be able to get out and enjoy nature.  Let’s enjoy nature and God’s beauty together this way.