< 2019 >
July 28
  • 28

    MS150 Training Ride & Ice Cream

    1:00 pm-4:00 pm

    This year’s our ice cream sundae training ride will be held at Nettesheim park in Pewaukee.   It will be July 28th, wheels out at 1:00 sharp. Please arrive in plenty of time so we can achieve this time.   We are renting the building also so we will have a handicap accessible bathroom and lots of room in case it rains.  The event will be held no matter what the weather is!  Please join us.  It is a good time to pick up your jersey/t-shirt if you are new to the team.  There will be a reminder email before the event.

    We have an amazing team already of over 100 riders!  Thank you all for being a part of our mission.

    If you are new to the team and you would like a Peppy Pedaler jersey please email me your size.  We are requesting a donation of $20 per jersey for our MS-Just Keep Moving non-profit.

    Dan & Bonnie