
We are here for you and for each other.  Why?  Because we need each other in many ways.  MS is tough as it is.  It’s even tougher if we try to deal with it alone.  As we know, MS is different for all of us.  Why do some people make progress and some people work really hard at making progress yet continue to be faced with even more MS challenges?  I sure wish I had the answers to that.  I’m more than willing to share what seems to work for me but that doesn’t mean what works for me will work for eveyone.  It’s important we continue to share what we learn with each other.

My heart goes out to all of you who continue to be challenged with MS at a level you feel like you’re getting worse.  You are a big part of the reason we do what we do.  You’re also a big part of the reason we do fund raising events like the MS Bike ride for the National MS Society.  Thank you to all who rode with us, volunteered and supported the MS Bike ride this past weekend.  Personally, I really appreciate it!  I know all of you living with MS appreciate it as well.  We’re riding for everyone who wish they could but can’t.

We had the MS Bike ride last Saturday.  It was awesome!

There are so many GOOD people that do all the work to make it possible as well as GOOD people that participate, volunteer and support us.

After riding the MS Bike ride for the past 16 consecutive years with MS, I feel like it is a rolling family reuion.  It truly feels like we’re all family trying to beat MS…everyone involved.  I feel good about supporting the National MS Society with this event.  They’re working hard for us!

We’ll be getting together again from 9:00am – noon on Wednesday and Friday at the gym.  I hope you’ll join us!  We might be light on volunteers this week so if you could help or know someone that could help, please join us.

We realize the virus is not gone yet.  In fact, the numbers are going up rapidly again.  Many of us have either had COVID or have been vaccinated.  We’re leaving wearing a mask up to you to make good decisions.  If you have concerns, please wear a mask.  Either way, please be respectful.  Thank you for being so understanding, cooperative and respectful through this entire pandemic.  I’m thankful we’re getting through it.

One of the most important things you can do is to stay home if you have any symptoms or know you’ve been exposed to someone with the virus.  Please don’t come until your symptoms go away.  Let’s also give each other some space when talking to one another and continue wiping the machines down before and after you use them with disinfectant.  Let’s stay safe!

It looks like we should have nice weather for our Friday morning bike ride again this week.  I hope you’ll join us!  Let’s start recruiting and training for next year’s MS Bike ride.  It’s good to put an event on the calendar and work towards it.  It’s also to enjoy the journey of training and getting to the start line.

We’ll be meeting Friday morning at 7:00am at Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee.  It’s on the SE corner of Hwy SS and Oak Street.  The GPS address is: N26W27495 Prospect Ave, Pewaukee, WI 53072.  Come a little early so you can get your bike out of your car and be ready to ride as close to 7:00 as possible.  We’ll ride until about 8:45.

If you need me to bring a trike or a tandem for you, please let me know as soon as you can so I can bring them.

If you’d like to ride but don’t know how you’d do it, please let me know.  We’ll do our best to figure out a way to get you riding.  We get pretty creative😊.

Ricky Heldt will be here on Wednesday and Friday again this week doing Tai Massage.  Many of you have reported making great progress with chronic pain relief, range of motion, walking better and a new sense of hope.  Please keep in mind that consistency is key.  We need consistency to realize the benefits long term.  That’s why we’re having Ricky here both Wednesday and Friday mornings.  We want you to have long term relief.  Ricky will have a sign up sheet based on first come first served.  You can pick the time slot that works for you.  I highly encourage you to take advantage of Ricky’s Tai Massages each day and sign up for your time slot as soon as you get there.

Last week, our prayer group was once again…powerful!  I just love the way we share, pray together and witness prayers being answered weekly.  Thanks goes to God and to everyone that joins us.

Our prayer group will be in person at the gym as well as on zoom this week at 11:00am on Wednesday.  We’ll get together and share, talk, listen, give thanks and pray however God leads us.

MS – Just Keep Moving Prayer Group
Wednesdays @ 11:00am
Join Zoom Meeting with this link

Meeting ID: 826 8955 7013
Passcode: keepmoving

We had a fun call with Adam again this afternoon on his inspirational zoom call.  We’ll be doing it again next Tuesday.  Please join us if you can…thank you!


Inspirational Humor with Adam Wollert
Tuesdays @ 1:30PM
Here’s the link to join us…I hope you do!
Join Zoom Meeting with this link

Meeting ID: 943 138 9152
Passcode: 3qP2hu
Phone:   1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 943 138 9152

I encourage you to share a smile with someone.  Perhaps you could give someone a call that you haven’t talked with for a while just to see how they’re doing.  We all could use a little extra love and encouragement during these times.

MS is tough.  Let’s stay calm, focused, healthy, flexible, have faith and learn as much as we can about the challenges of each day as we make good choices.  Better days are ahead.

In God We Trust!