
This week you’ll learn about exciting initiatives and opportunities going on in our MS communities along with some more accomplishments.

Laura is doing a study at Marquette University and is speaking very highly of it.  Marquette needs more people with and without MS for the study.  Please consider doing it if you can.  Here’s more info:

MS and Muscle Function

 Researchers at Marquette University wish to determine the impact of multiple sclerosis (MS) on muscle strength, endurance, or fatigue. Volunteers with and without MS are needed to participate in this study. Please call Mitra, or Alex at (414) 510-5327 or (414) 288-3582 for further information.

Jon Franko from St. Louis who lives with MS is doing something awesome.  Jon and Matthew Porter who also lives with MS are attempting to run 100 miles and raise $100,000.00 plus create awareness and lobbying for all of us living with MS on February 27th.  Here’s a link with more information and a really cool video  “Show Me 100.” Can two people with MS run 100 miles?  I guess we’ll find out…now that’s a challenge!  I’m rooting for you Jon and Matthew!  You have many friends from MS-Just Keep Moving in Waukesha rooting for you.  THANK YOU for all you’re doing!  Donna, I hope you and Jon have connected by now.

Cal’s mission trip to Panama is getting closer.  There’s a box in our exercise room by the stereo if you wanted to donate anything to the children of Panama for Cal to take along.  If you’d like to make a financial donation, please see or contact Cal for options to do that.   We know Cal will follow his calling and bring joy to all he meets on this trip.

I always love it when progress is being made.  The week before last, Dianne tried the SciFit machine that uses arms and legs to pedal it.  She came close to making a full revolution but wasn’t quite able to do it.  She tried until she was fatigued and we decided to try it again another day.

Last week the “another day” came.  She tried it again when I wasn’t looking and the next thing you know, Terry came over and got me.  He said Dianne wants to show me what she’s doing.  She was able to make several full revolutions all by herself.  Amazing!  After seeing how challenging it was the week before and how fatigued she got trying, I knew she’d get there but I didn’t think it would be the following week already.  Dianne is really determined and she’s showing us that our bodies do adapt to what we put them through even though it’s really challenging.

Keep up the great work Dianne!  Thank you for sharing your journey!

Wendy continues to inspire us.  As we all know, Wendy has had some really challenging years with MS and that’s putting it lightly.  I’m thinking smiling must have really helped her because she’s never quit smiling despite her challenges.  Wendy recently spent 3-1/2 years in a wheelchair and has been making progress with walking with a walker again for the past 1-1/2 years.  She came in last Friday and showed me a video of her walking in her house without a walker.  That did it for me.  I took her walker away and had her show us.  There’s a video of it on our Facebook Page.  As you can see…Wendy’s a happy camper these days!

I’m so happy for you Wendy!  We all are!

COVID numbers are finally starting to come down locally.  I feel like celebrating but not quite yet.  We’re going to get through this thing…eventually.  I’m still highly encouraging each of us to be socially responsible and help us all be safe.  I’m not telling you what to do but I’m asking you and highly encouraging you to wear a mask when you’re in close proximity to someone else; whether you’ve been vaccinated or not.  We want to remain open and we need to do it safely.

Please stay home if you have any symptoms or know you’ve been exposed to someone with the virus.  Please don’t come until your symptoms go away.  Let’s also give each other some space when talking to one another and continue wiping the machines down before and after you use them with disinfectant.  Again…let’s be socially responsible and stay safe!

We’ll be getting together again from 9:00am – noon on Wednesday and Friday mornings at the gym.  I hope you’ll join us!

Wisconsin Metal Parts – Westmound Building
W228N791 Westmound Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186

Our Facebook page is getting pretty active.  Lots of people are doing more and more and sharing their journey on Facebook.  Feel free to join our Facebook community and share pictures and experiences of your own.  We’re up to 169 members now…awesome!

If you have Ricky work on you this week, please be sure to wear a mask.  We have masks available if you need one.  We don’t want Ricky to pick the virus up from one person and get sick much less take the risk of spreading it to others.  Let’s keep Ricky safe as well as everyone else.

Many continue making great progress with chronic pain relief, range of motion, walking better and a new sense of hope when Ricky does his magic to you.  Please keep in mind that consistency is key.  Not only with Ricky…with exercise too.  We needconsistency to realize the benefits long term.  We want you to have long term relief.

Ricky has a sign up sheet based on first come first serve.  You can pick the time slot that works for you.  I highly encourage you to take advantage of Ricky’s Tai Massages each day and sign up for your time slot as soon as you get there.

MS-Just Keep Sharing.  We’ll be having our sharing group in person this Wednesday @ 11:00am.  I just love the way we share, pray together and witness prayers being answered weekly.  Thanks goes to God and to everyone that joins us.  Let’s get together to share, listen, talk, give thanks and pray however God leads us.

We’ll be having our inspirational humor zoom call with Adam again next Tuesday.  Adam is a gift to all of us.  Please join us if you can.

Inspirational Humor with Adam Wollert
Tuesdays @ 1:30PM
Here’s the link to join us…I hope you do!
Join Zoom Meeting with this link

Meeting ID: 943 138 9152
Passcode: 3qP2hu
Phone:   1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 943 138 9152

I encourage you to share a smile with someone.  Perhaps you could call someone that you haven’t talked with for a while just to say hi and see how they’re doing.  We all could use a little extra love and encouragement.

MS is tough.  Let’s stay calm, focused, healthy, flexible, have faith and learn as much as we can about the challenges of each day as we make good choices.  Better days are ahead.

In God We Trust!