
A big thanks goes out to all who attended Linda’s funeral.  Her family put together a beautiful tribute to Linda with lots of beautiful pictures capturing smiles and precious memories of her entire life.  They even put together one complete board of Linda having fun and bringing joy to our group.

By the looks of all the pictures of Linda’s entire life, it looked like she smiled her entire life despite the challenges she had of living with MS.  Let’s all take Linda’s good natured, happy spirit forward with us in life and share it with others like she did so well.  You’ll always be with us Linda!

A friendly reminder goes out that Cal is going on his mission trip to Panama soon.  If you’d be willing to support him in any way, please do so within the next week so he get things packed up to take along.  Here’s a message from Cal with a little more information on how you can help.

I will be serving with 19 other people and River Glen church leaving March 19 and returning March 25. Among other things we will be bringing God’s word to the children Panama through Bible studies, feeding and caring for less fortunate families.

    We will also be using sports as an opportunity to talk to the older children about Jesus. So I will be given the opportunity to play soccer and volleyball, with the older children in the evening.

    Many of You have supported my mission work in the past. If God nudges You to help us out again; Soccer and Volleyball’s would be Awesome gifts that are needed. Perhaps sports socks or anything that we could use while playing sports. Actually, anything that will help us spread the word of God. I normally don’t ask for money, but if that is the easiest way to give, I would make sure any financial contribution would be used directly to aid the children and people of Panama.

God Bless,

Let’s put some save the date events on our calendars for this year so we’re available to engage in the events.

  • Starting in April, we will be doing our MS-Just Keep Caring programs twice a month.  We will be having these the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.  This is a program that care givers for people with MS get together and share what they’ve learned with the hope of helping someone else that can relate.  In March, we’ll be doing it Friday, March 18th from 10:00am – 10:30am.  Your loved one with MS will be put to work exercising as well as being loved and pampered while you’re in the MS-Just Keep Caring program.
  • Starting in April Alison from Wholesome LLC will be returning to teach us about nutrition.  Alison has been here before and will be with us on a monthly basis for the remainder of 2022.  We’re hoping to build a community that is there for each other as we each learn what proper nutrition can do for us living with MS.  The object is to get our bodies to heal themselves from the inside.  Nutrition is complicated because we’re all a little differnet biologically.  Alison will be with us to guide us through this journey.  We’re hoping you engage and make progress personally and share it with your friends. Stay tuned as we firm up the dates.
    Friday, June 10th, 2022 – Golf Outing for our MS-Just Keep Moving group.  Instead of having everyone come to the gym that day, we’d like for you to come to the golf outing and eithr golf or help out anyway you can; even if it’s just sharing your love and talking to people about what it’s like to live with MS and come to our gym.  The golf outing will be at Wanaki Golf Course on Lisbon Rd, Menomonee Falls.  We will not be doing our bike ride or have the gym open that day so we can all be there.  We’ll be sending more information on how you can help as we get more information and get closer to the date.
    August 6th and 7th, 2022 – Bike MS  It looks like we’ll be going back to a two day ride this year.  This a fund raiser ride for the National MS Society for all of us living with MS.  It’s critical we continue to support the National MS Society and all the work they do for all of us living with MS.  They fund critical research for all of us living with MS.  If we’re ever going to find a cure for MS, we need research to continue.  We’ll start our training rides @ 7:00am on Friday mornings as soon as it’s 45 degrees at 7:00am.  Think spring and let’s see how many people “with MS” we can get to ride with us this year.  Let’s see how much money we can raise for the National MS Society as well.  It’s an organization that’s close to my heart and important we continue to support.  Our friends at the National MS Society – Wisconsin Chapter work REALLY hard for us.  Big events like this are a lot of work and lots of volunteers will be needed as well.  Let’s do our part.
    Saturday, November 5th, 2022 – Our 2nd annual MS-Just Keep Moving open house.  We had so much fun sharing the progress of so many people last year at our open house that we’re going to do it again.  Let’s work hard all year so we have more stories of progress to share.  We see it on a weekly basis; it’s fun to share our progress with others.  Perhaps we’ll give another person or two with MS some hope and they’ll join us as well.

Speaking of making progress.  Just a few weeks ago, Rich was not able to sit up by himself.  Traci has been giving Rich some extra TLC lately and look at him now…sitting up all on his own.  Nice job Traci and Rich!

A big thanks goes out to Pete, Gail and everyone who’s been doing cleaning.  I see someone keeps cleaning the rest rooms as well.  THANK YOU!

You’re doing a nice job Pete!

If you look on the board behind Laura, there’s a message on the board saying Joyce says Hello to everyone.  Hello to you as well Joyce!  I hope you’re healing up and will be back soon.  We all miss you!

To everyone else that hasn’t been back for a while…we miss you too!  Don’t think we forgot about you.  We didn’t forget about you and we hope you get back soon.

Ok, so tell me what’s wrong with this picture.  Is this really exercise?  The answer is YES.  Laughter is aerobic exercise and is really good medicine.  We had a good dose of laugther Friday.  Fun!

COVID numbers are finally starting to come down locally.  I feel like celebrating but not quite yet.  We’re going to get through this thing…eventually.  I’m still highly encouraging each of us to be socially responsible and help keep us all safe.  I’m not telling you what to do but I’m asking you and highly encouraging you to wear a mask when you’re in close proximity to someone else; whether you’ve been vaccinated or not.  We want to remain open and we need to do it safely.

Please stay home if you have any symptoms or know you’ve been exposed to someone with the virus.  Please don’t come until your symptoms go away.  Let’s also give each other some space when talking to one another and continue wiping the machines down before and after you use them with disinfectant.  Again…let’s be socially responsible and stay safe!

We’ll be getting together again from 9:00am – noon on Wednesday and Friday mornings at the gym.  I hope you’ll join us!

Wisconsin Metal Parts – Westmound Building
W228N791 Westmound Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186

We made our Facebook page private now.  That means you’ll need to join if you want access to all our fun and progress.  Lots of people are doing more and more and sharing their journey on Facebook.  Feel free to join.  We’re up to 185 members now…awesome!

If you have Ricky work on you this week, please be sure to wear a mask.  We have masks available if you need one.  We don’t want Ricky to pick the virus up from one person and get sick much less take the risk of spreading it to others.  Let’s keep Ricky safe as well as everyone else.

Many continue making great progress with chronic pain relief, range of motion, walking better and a new sense of hope when Ricky does his magic to you.  Please keep in mind that consistency is key.  Not only with Ricky…with exercise too.  We need consistency to realize the benefits long term.  We want you to have long term relief.

Ricky has a sign up sheet based on first come first serve.  You can pick the time slot that works for you.  I highly encourage you to take advantage of Ricky’s Tai Massages each day and sign up for your time slot as soon as you get there.

Linda will be here on Fridays doing Reiki for people.  We’re thankful for Linda offering her gifts and talents to us.  Feel free to let Linda know you’d like to do Reiki with her.  She also has a sign up sheet.

MS-Just Keep Sharing.  We’ll be having our sharing group in person this Wednesday @ 11:00am.

I just love the way we share, pray together and witness prayers being answered weekly.  Thanks goes to God and to everyone that joins us.  Let’sget together to share, listen, talk, give thanks and pray however God leads us.

We’ll be having our inspirational humor zoom call with Adam again next Tuesday.  Adam is a gift to all of us.  Please join us if you can.

Inspirational Humor with Adam Wollert
Tuesdays @ 1:30PM
Here’s the link to join us…I hope you do!
Join Zoom Meeting with this link

Meeting ID: 943 138 9152
Passcode: 3qP2hu
Phone:   1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 943 138 9152

I encourage you to share a smile with someone.  Perhaps you could call someone that you haven’t talked with for a while just to say hi and see how they’re doing.  We all could use a little extra love and encouragement.

MS is tough.  Let’s have faith, remain calm, be flexible, help each other and learn as much as we can about the challenges of each day as we make good choices.

Let’s keep moving and smiling 😊

In God We Trust…we’re in good hands